PRIVATE TUTORING: This is a one-on-one session between a student and a teacher that typically runs 60 minutes.
SEMI-PRIVATE TUTORING/LEARNING PARTNERS: This is 2 students with one teacher for 60 minutes. We call these "Learning Partners". We LOVE the idea of promoting relationships between students while they are learning. This option is amazing, but it may not always happen right away. We make sure we partner students who are at the same academic place in order to maximize the learning experience. We will NEVER compromise learning to place students together that are not a good fit. This also includes the social dynamic. If we partner kids together and it does not seem like a good fit, we will communicate immediately and make adjustments accordingly. When the partnership works, the growth is exponential and so is the FUN! They play games, collaborate, and engage each other during the session that allows new perspecitve and comfort that they are in this "together". This is the whole belief and philosophy that GPI4L was built on.
SMALL GROUP: A small group consists of a minimum of 3 students for 60 minutes. We LOVE small groups for the same reasons as above. With a small group there is usually a wider range of abilities that can benefit a large population of learners to thrive.
PRE-K GROUPS: We offer 90 minute classes for 3 year olds who are potty trained and a class for 4 year olds.
SPECIAL SERVICES: We are committed to supporting our neurodiverse community. We have a Special Services Team at GPI4L that is available for consultations, help navigating IEPS and 504s, at-home support, private sessions, coaching, art therapy parent workshops, and social skills groups.
SOCIAL SKILLS GROUPS: We offer a variety of topics for students in our community who need help navigating social situations.
SUMMER CLASSES: Stay tuned for our summer group offerings! We will post a registration form in the Parent Portal for current students first and then open to the general public. If you know you are interested and want to be included in the first to know email, go ahead and register your child today and you will have access to the Parent Portal immediately.